Delightfully Easy Meals to Elevate You & Your Loved Ones
“Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.” -Hippocrates
Vibrant health begins with a mostly plant-based diet rich in anti-inflammatory, nutrient-dense foods. Combine this with the wisdom of Ayurveda, and food truly becomes your medicine. As a professional chef, I’ll show you how to prepare easy, delicious, and nutritionally balanced vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free meals that heal you from the inside out.

“When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need”
— Ayurvedic proverb

Completely customized menu planning and cooking sessions guided by your constitution (dosha), as well as your family’s (if applicable) and dietary preferences
Includes 3-6 customized recipes per session (depending on length of session)
Sessions are in person (in your kitchen or mine) or via SKYPE
2-3 hour classes where you learn how to prepare a complete Ayurvedic meal and discover the delicious benefits of eating a plant-based diet infused with nature’s antioxidant powerhouses: spices and herbs
Includes anywhere from 3-5 recipes

Not sure which foods are right for you? Overwhelmed by the choices and diet fads? Consider my one-on-one Ayurveda Coaching Program where I will create a personalized food program that provides a list of the optimal foods for your unique constitution, along with many customized recipes and menu planning assistance.