Yoga – A moving meditation, Tuesdays at 8 am @ Dharma Yoga House
Join me for a moving meditation – asana, pranayama, mantra, mudras, and meditation every Tuesday at 8 am at the beautiful Dharma Yoga House in Dana Point. You will leave class feeling wonderfully centered and peaceful. https://dharmayogahouse.com
Satsangha – 8:30 am every Sunday at Dharma Yoga House
Sangha means community or gathering. Satsangha is a gathering of ‘spiritual seekers’. Join us every Sunday morning for this one of a kind community gathering. Together we meditate, chant mantras, self-reflect, journal, dialog and explore Yogic philosophies and...
Ayurveda program at Sivananda Ashram, Bahamas Dec 12 – 14
Join me for my annual Ayurveda program at the Sivananda Ashram in the Bahamas – Topics covered across the 4 workshops will be Intro to Ayurveda, Causes of Disease, Ayurvedic Nutrition and a workshop on Chakras, our energy centers of transformation. Take home...
Ayurveda Afternoon at I Heart Yoga – Sat Oct 20, 2-5pm
Join me for an Afternoon of Ayurveda at the lovely I Heart Yoga studio in Dana Point. Understand the basic concepts of Ayurveda and see how your unique mind-body type influences your health (mind, body, and spirit). Take home simple, practical and powerful Ayurveda...